an excerpt.

You did it again. You promised. But you did it again. Do you not know how much I hurt every time you’re hurt? You told me you’ll never leave any scars behind.

 Proportion, addiction; either one. But I ..

 No, don’t promise me you’ll never do it again. Just, just let me catch you when you fall.

 Are you strong enough?




an excerpt.

Fall In Love.

i just realised i have not blogged a KPOP new year post (the Sungmin post is not counted).i believe it’ll be another year of KPOP awesomeness. i just pray none of last year’s drama aka Jaebum leaving, GD getting sued for inappropriate behavior in his own concert like what’s up with that and Kangin’s mess up. i just want everyone to come back and be whole again like how they were meant to be.

i also want to SUJU to have their concert in Msia. *pleaseGodpleasepleaseplease*

i must say 2010 is a year to look forward too.

Keep the faith!

Fall In Love.